
I'm Dana DiPlacido, a fine metals Artist living and working in Middleton, Massachusetts. My work is focused on modern jewelry design and home decor, influenced by the beauty of mechanical forms, organic shape, and the material itself. It is my goal to create heirloom-quality objects that evoke feelings of luxury and ease, but also a sense of honesty that comes with a learned craft.
My process of creating distinctive forms is not only an homage to my craft, but a compulsion. I care deeply about how things are made and why I must make them. Additionally, there is a desire to elevate the ordinary by making everyday objects become an experience, more than simply a "thing". I love material. I love variation. I love bold motifs. I love construction. I love how each step informs the next, until finished, where it will take on a life of its own. 
Working for myself has been the most rewarding accomplishment of my life so far. Previously, I attended Massachusetts College of Art and Design, earning a degree in Jewelry and Metalsmithing, then devoting the following 11 years to working with world-renowned glass artist Dan Dailey, producing an array of pieces from sculptural lighting to architectural installations for residential and commercial spaces.